Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Swimming Amongst the Whales

   This past week was busy for the Northern Environment class. We had a focus on wildlife in the North, covering topics as big as the polar bears in Churchill, to as small as the often overlooked invertebrates that are the most common and diverse lifeforms in the Arctic.  I found it amazing that whales in the North could live for up to 100 years, while the arctic fox has only a short life span of 3 to 6 years and looking at the respect that the Inuit people from Northern Canada have for the animals they hunt and compete with in the wild.

    My favourite part of writing a blog is that I get to choose what I write about, and you have to listen... well I guess you could always skip to the next blog if you really wanted to. After hearing about the presentations this week I thought it would be great to share my own experience I have had with whales.  Unfortunately I encountered whales down South in the Pacific, but I already mentioned that I'm going to include the South close to Antarctica in my description of the North, so here we go.

   Humpback whales will travel over 5000 miles between their feeding grounds in the Antarctic and the warm pacific water to either mate or birth their calves.  The migration of humpback whales is the longest of any mammal living. I met up with these humpback whales in the Kingdom of Tonga on one of the Ha'apai Islands called 'Uoleva.  We could get to the island on a boat, or if we ran fast enough along a sand bar connecting the islands while the tide was low, we chose the boat. We were fortunate enough to spend most of a week on this island in a small little hut with no running water or electricity.  We made friends with the other island residents, which ranged from 4 people when their was no tourists, to about 30 people when the island was busy.  During the day it was common to look out into the ocean to see our Humpback friends playing in the calm, warm water.

  One morning we joined a tour boat in hopes of swimming with the whales.  The excursion entailed whale watching from the boat,  the possibility to swim with the whales, and some snorkeling around a reef with lunch on the boat, totaling about an 8 hour day.    The majority of the time we spent looking for the whales surfacing. They would jump out of the water nose first, hump their large backs over and expose their giant tails to us.

   The most exciting part of the trip was actually getting into the water with these whales.   We caught up with a group of three whales in a stretch of open water including a mother, her calve and the escort.  It's common for the whales to travel in packs of three, the escort generally being a male who follows the mother and her calf along the waters.  He is often looking to mate with the females, even though she is looking after her baby it is still possible at this point for her to mate.  We were able to get into the water after observing the mother resting in one spot. If she was travelling, there would be no way for our sad little flippers to keep up with her large tail and fins.  We went in as a group, and stuck close together.  We would approach from the side, so she could see us at all times.  We don't want the mother to feel surprised when seeing us or threatened if we swim close to her calf.  We had the gentle, giant mammals swimming under us, directly towards us, up and out of the water until gradually swimming away.  This made for one of my all time most memorable experiences.

    To learn more about the whales visit ''Whale watch Vava'u'' at they have information about the whales, discuss their tours and services, and have a pretty amazing gallery of photos and videos of the whales.

    In our Northern Environments class we talked a lot about the declining number of northern animals. During one of our learning exercises we discovered hunting, fishing, global warming, and pollution to be some of the largest reasons that their is declining number of animals, and this would be true again for the humpback whales down south.  Tourism, such as the guided boat tour I had rode in the Kingdom of Tonga, allows for a way to help protect the animals.  If they can make enough money off the animal through tourism then it can make for a better reason than hunting the animal, and then the community will begin to protect the animal.  I've seen this many times such as my trip to Rwanda to visit the mountain gorillas, or to Chengdu to visit Panda's or visiting Koalas in Australia.  Since learning so much about the polar bears I've added a trip to Churchill to my bucket list in places to go as well.

 The photo above is a Mountain Gorilla from Rwanda, and below is a Panda from Chengdu.  Tourism has helped both these species from becoming endangered today.

    Some of the highlights from the lectures this week for me include the pure beauty of the Arctic Fox hunting in the snow.   You can see the video at

and the discussion of when tourism becomes dangerous for the animals as seen in the reality show 'The Polar Bear Family & Me.'' where Buchanan follows a family of polar bears in a steal cage.  Main concerns were towards the polar bear, that found the steal cafe interesting enough to attack. But what would happen if the polar bear injur's a paw, or tooth and can no longer hunt, or if the polar bear did get to the over excited camera man inside the box.  You can read more on this topic at

Friday, 18 January 2013

International North - Gender equality in the North


So here's my first blog. What is it about? I'm not sure yet. You'll have to keep reading to find out.   I'm taking a course this semester in concerns with Northern Environments.  What is a Northern Environment? My first guess is anything North of your own current location.  I had a few days in New Zealand this past summer, we went up North to the Kingdom of Tonga.... maybe that shouldn't count as a Northern Environment in respects to what I'm studying this semester.  I'm planning to define my Northern Environments very vaguely anyways, maybe my description will change, but at the moment I'm thinking anywhere that has to deal with cold winter weather, and close to the arctic circle  (I'll also include Antarctica when it makes sense).

The first week in the course we look at the International North.  I don't really understand why we named this week the International North.  The first two presentations were about storytelling in Scandinavia (and someone decided to show a Canadian Inuit film, after our one guideline was to avoid Canada this week), and about the snow, our second day of presentations discussed seals and penguins.  Maybe we should have thought about renaming our class topic for the week, and just made it an introduction to the North week, as we talked about some culture, science and biology that occurs in the North(... and the South).

I was fortunate to present my topic in our first class.  Before doing any research, I decided to study the art of storytelling specifically in historical Scandinavia.  I wanted to find stories about braving the cold, surviving long winters, and vikings sailing through snow storms. Instead I found stories about trolls in the wilderness and fairy tales that I grew up with.   When I started to think about the North in Canada one of the first things to hit me was that the use of storytelling among First Nations people was important in their culture.  I had known of very few stories being told in this culture, but decided that it would be fun to look at someone else's culture before looking at my own.  I've had a huge connection with Scandinavia in my life and thought it would be interesting to apply my travels and life to my studies.    I still hope that someone else brings up Native American storytelling in our class....

---Aside ---- How appropriate is it to just put in a random thought as I go along?? I guess its my blog, so I will choose to do as I wish.   My class is going camping next weekend, and we intend to build igloos to sleep in.  I can see this as a good opportunity to do some storytelling.  Maybe I'll attempt to find a book on traditional Inuit stories. -----

What I found most interesting in my own research was the Icelandic Sagas.  Iceland's history was actually most accurately recorded using stories.  The stories are regarded as one of Europe's most important pieces of literature, and I never even know about it before a few days ago. An article from the UK's guardian online also described how women hold strong roles in the stories as well. After looking a little more into the topic of women's issues in Iceland, I found that the country is one of the most gender equal nations. The World Economic Forum named Iceland the best country for gender equality in 2010 for the second year in a row, followed by Norway in second, Finland in third, Sweden in fourth and Denmark lagging a little behind in 7th (BBC News. Oct, 2010). They say that the low gender gaps are related to high economic competitiveness,  I'm curious if their history and development of a country could also help mold these accomplishments.  Another possibility for the gender equality could be the Scandinavians belief in the Jante laws.  The Jante laws were created in a factitious novel written by Aksel Sandemose about the Danish town of Jante, where the people live by their own ten commandments. (Lee, K. Nov. 2011) These ten commandments are:

  1. Don’t think you’re anything special.
  2. Don’t think you’re as good as us.
  3. Don’t think you’re smarter than us.
  4. Don’t convince yourself that you’re better than us.
  5. Don’t think you know more than us.
  6. Don’t think you are more important than us.
  7. Don’t think you are good at anything.
  8. Don’t laugh at us.
  9. Don’t think anyone cares about you.
  10. Don’t think you can teach us anything.
Living in Denmark my self I've been able to see how these laws still function in most society.  People in Copenhagen do not show off their money.  They live in modest housing, very often everyone bikes to work, the wages are more equal. As I worked in a restaurant in Copenhagen, I was never talked down to by a guest.  The customer is always right - does not really apply in this area. I believe these Laws of Jante should be taught more often, and can help in developing more equality and acceptance in the world today.

(A photo I took on my first trip to Copenhagen, Benjamin Plamondon, December 2009)

BBC News (Oct, 12, 2010). Iceland 'best country for gender equality'. BBC News buisness. Retrieved on Jan 19, 2013 from

Lee, K. (Nov. 9, 2011). Jante law (or 10 rules for dealing with people). Associates mind. Retrieved on Jan 19, 2013 from